MCCAIN! So where do I send my money for the McCain in '08 fund? At this point he's my guy. Looks like I'm not alone.
"Because we'd rather have nothing than settle for less."
MCCAIN! So where do I send my money for the McCain in '08 fund? At this point he's my guy. Looks like I'm not alone.
Posted by Scott Hess at 11:34 AM
The word is, McCain won't survive the primaries. Though if he did, he'd destroy anyone in the general.
There is absolutely zero chance of Hillary getting anywhere - either in the primaries or the general. I don't know what people are smoking. Right now, the top Democratic candidate IMO is Mark Warner. His unfavorables are very, very low. Only problem is name recognition.
I think the big question, for me, is are the Republicans so short-sighted and vindictive that they'll actually jettison/hamstring McCain in favor of a Frist or that guy from Virginia who looks like a Saturday Night Live satire of a politician, even though McCain might actually be the only guy who can win? Will be interesting to see.
Checking in again from Jury Duty... Right after I posted my first comment, I went to the NY Times site to see what was in the Sunday magazine. Turns out, the cover story was Mark Warner. Crazy.
To your question, no I don't think they'll be able to jettison McCain - at least not in Iowa or New Hampshire. We'll see about the southern states, though.
Too bad Obama won't run.
McCain won't survive the primaries, *and* senators aren't electable. For better or worse their voting records are too easy to use against them.
I still think Bill Richardson (Gov of NM) has a much better shot than Hillary.
Are you kidding me? Scott Hess blogs? I have no comment on John McCain, other than he could probably kick my ass in a bar fight, although Bill Frist might smite me with his heavenly connections. No one wnats to be smited, my friend.
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