
DEMS AND DUMBER: Despite an incompetent Republican president, pesky religious zealotry, and impending ecological disaster, the Dems still can't find an electable candidate, if you believe most of these early polls. That the nation won't elect a Mormon nutball is heartwarming, although the fact that we're willing to elect other religious nutballs almost cancels that out. (I'm all for God, I just don't think he plays team sports.)


isaacjosephson said...

At least Kerry's not running again. And while Gore's a personal fave of mine, I recognize that he's utterly unelectable. It's a good thing he's not running. Poor Vilsack's out - alas, we hardly knew you.

On the Republican side, McCain's sinking fast with his flip-flopping on social issues and his steadfast support of a failed foreign policy. If Guliani can make it past the primaries, he's likely to get stuffed in the general once the media latches on to the meme that he has close to zero national experience.

Hell, I don't see an electable figure on any side right now.

Anonymous said...

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Paul said...

I think it's kind of early in the game to be attaching any significance to these polls...heck, I wouldn't even consider this preseason. I know the news orgs are going to cover this, but I don't think viable candidates are going to become clear til Jan 08.

If I had to pick a pair to vote for, right now I'd go Obama/Richardson.

Anonymous said...

The media's conventional wisdom has a rather uninspiring track record this far out. Oddsmakers suggest things are hardly so bleak for the Dems.


Still, if I were a betting man, I'd be buying up shares of the Rock Star. Hillary's stuck in a tough position; she's trying to sling mud, but as long as Obama can keep his image above the fray, it'll likely backfire, making him look like the only escape from politics as usual.