
OH YEAH, A SINGLE! It's rare anymore for a newish song to leap off the radio and demand that I buy it, but the other day I heard Blue October's "Into the Ocean" on Sirius Channel One and BOOM I hadda have it. I know nothing of the band, dunno if I'm jumping on a bandwagon or attaching myself to the next 'N Sync or what, but damn is that a good song.


L. said...

I just went and listened to it. Even watch the music-video. I really like it too!

The Wife Who Knows said...

Okay, so it's been 10 months since I posted -- you're six weeks behind, so I don't feel SO bad.

I feel like I need to put a period on that chapter, but I can't figure out how to do it in a way that leaves me in the pretty good place where I am now. For some reason, I keep thinking about the old debate over whether to dredge the Hudson River -- is it more harmful to leave tons of PCBs under layers of sediment or, in the process of removal, to release some of them back into the stream? For the time being, I've chosen to live with toxins in my riverbed...

Bad metaphor, but it's how I'm feeling today.