
WRECKED: Let me start with this: Everybody's fine.

Although C.J. was up most of the night having trouble breathing. Seems like a lot of his colds turn to asthma. I slept next to him and administered his inhaler as needed. I was too worried to sleep. I just passed the time by sweating and taking my pulse.

Although Mikey somehow climbed up on the bathroom counter around 6AM this morning, maneuevered across the sink, opened a child-resistant bottle of kids' cough syrup, and drank a fair amount of it. Granted, he did his share of spilling, too. "Mikey, did you drink this?" "Yeah! Mikey like!"

Poison Control said he would be fine, but he might act a little, well, drunk. I wasn't convinced he'd even managed to get much into his mouth. Now, after watching him stagger, giggle, and drool, I'm revising that opinion. "Music, daddy! Mikey dance!" The boy's gooped up on gop. I wish it were funnier, but it's hard to laugh through the guilt and worry. His doctor agreed with Poison Control: no big deal. Apparently it's fairly common.

C.J. seems much better, with a new day. He's tired, and he has no appetite. But he's relatively happy, and he's breathing almost clearly through his coughs.

Eileen, lucky dog, was in Memphis last night. She missed this. Good for her. Daddy was due.

Everyone in the house has been awake since 5AM now. What a debacle. Alas, we made it. It wasn't pretty, but we made it.


Anonymous said...

Somehow missed this post when I read the last one. Thank goodness you made it through all the trumas, and hopefully Mikey will take a nice "drunken stupor" nap this afternoon. Be well, all of you.

P said...

you poor man. i uselessly brace myself for otto becoming mobile... ottomobile! gotta love mikey's honesty. i hope he'll discover that honesty will take him so much farther than deceit. i hope c.j. is feeling better. i miss those knuckleheads.

Anonymous said...

since everyone's ok....

the thought of Mikey a little "drunk" on cough syrup brings a little smile to my face.

Casey said...

my bloglines seeems to have broken on the feed to your site - i've missed all the drama over over at blindcamel.

good god. if nothing less, the writing of the events is fantastic. I agree with mom, I laughed and teared up a little on the last three posts. i was thinking we might childproof our house with a small cage and straightjackets, rather than outlet covers and fences. I'm going to think about that more seriously now.

I pray every day that Otto doesn't end up with with asthma, but if he does, I feel like he's at least in good hands. Our family has become experts on the subject.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog and it ought to make me happy that mine are so grown up --12 and nearly 10 -- but it just makes me want to tell you that you should love every second of it. God, it's fleeting. Aspen in minutes away from being my height and moments away from refusing to let me climb into bed with her for a hug. CC would rather play Game Cube than let me read to her. There were hours where the three of us would lay on bed, reading. I'm proud to watch them beat me down a mountain, skiing, but can't begin to explain the sadness of that, too. Cherish every moment with those beautiful, tiring little boys, Scott. Even the drunk one...

isaacjosephson said...

Truly, your stories (especially this one and Thrillwaulkee) make me live in mortal fear for what's coming in my life.