
SUV B.S. FROM ANDREW SULLIVAN: Andrew Sullivan is blabbering on against SUVs. Seems like a bunch of B.S. to me, and so I sent him this e-mail:

I agree with you far more than I disagree with you. And usually when I
disagree with you it's fairly minor, and I just shake my head and
smile. But your diatribe about SUVs really rankles me. Either you've
hit a nerve or you've got a lot of nerve...

Here's what I don't get: If I drive a giant gas-guzzlin' SUV six miles
roundtrip to work, am I aiding and abetting the terrorists more than a
guy who drives a Honda Civic (with a big fat Ben & Jerry's
bumpersticker on it) 100 miles roundtrip to work every day? It seems
like the endgame to your way of thinking is that everyone should be
allotted a "responsible" amount of fossil fuel to do with as they
please, but should pay out the wazoo if they go over that amount.
Right? You've gone daft. (I think that's the saying. What do I know, I
live in Chicago.)

Where does it end? Don't imported wines implicitly require more fossil
fuel to bring them to your local wine shop than do California or
Oregon or Washington wines? If I drink Australian Shiraz, am I doing
Osama's work? Etc. Ad infinitum.

Why focus on SUVs? Seems like anti-family sentiment masquerading as
anti-Islamofascist sentiment. Seems like class envy masquerading as

If you continue to send overnight parcels, the terrorists win! Bring
back the Pony Express!

Own a boat? Why not just send a check directly to the Taliban?

Mowing your big lawn? You selfish Muslim-lover!

- Scott

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