
EASY TO LOATHE HER: So now Hillary's saying it's Bush's responsibility to have the troops out of Iraq before he leaves office. I was wondering if it was going to be easy for me to resume my profound dislike for her. The answer is: It's a layup. She is the most insincere, opportunistic, full-of-shit pol since...well, since that red-nosed gladhander named Bill that I voted for twice.

Here's where I net out on Bush/Iraq: I'm not sure whether he was deceptive about his reasons for going into Iraq. At the very least he did what many leaders (and *all* politicians) do: He read the facts in the way that most served his needs. The fact remains -- fact! -- that all of the world's major democracies and their instruments of intelligence believed Iraq/Saddam had WMD. So, for me, Bush is off the hook as to the *why* part of going to war. What he's not off the hook for, in my book, is his relentlessly incompetent prosection of the war, not to mention his pigheaded personnel decisions (leaving Rumsfield in there way too long, brushing aside Powell time after time, having Mike Brown at FEMA, putting that attorney-pal chick up for the Supremes, etc.). I want Bush out as much or more than the next guy...because he's not competent. However...

...to call Iraq Bush's problem, to say he has to meet some sort of timetable to tidy things up before the next Administration...suggests the office of the presidency is not one long line of public servants, but is instead a series of isolated fiefdoms, each separate from the next. Bullshit. Hillary voted to support the war. She should continue to support it, even after it's gone to shit. (And by support it, I don't mean she should blindly cheerlead for it. I mean she should consider appropriate strategic actions, in light of reality on the ground. If, God forbid, she were ever Commander-in-Chief, she might have to make hard decisions like this, rather than simply offer monotone-monologues. Our troops are there. Our. We will support them, regardless of Administration. Those are our boys, she should say. We all have a responsibility to them, and to our country, which supersedes party. Dumbass.)

If we need to get out, our timetable for getting out should be driven by a strategy, not an election cycle. That's the right message.

Hillary's an idiot.


Anonymous said...

Amen, my son, amen. And, I hope my supporting your comments doesn't make you want to change your mind.:)

L. said...

I'm not entirely fond of Hillary myself, and also consider myself a card-carrying Repub...however, I will have to vote for Hillary no matter what. She's a woman and it's about time a woman were president. End of story. I know it's not the nobelist reason, but it's my reason. She is woman, hear her roar:)

isaacjosephson said...

Well, at least you didn't pick up on the non-story about her "evil men" joke (like my employer did).

Yeah, Hillary was playing to the base (or trying to) in a big way with that comment about not leaving Iraq for the next Administration. It was a stupid remark for a number of reasons. Like you and your mom, I am not a fan. But, like Laurel, there is a little something inside of me that says, "Wouldn't it be friggin cool to have a woman President?"

Scott Hess said...

I used the "wouldn't it be cool to have a woman senator" logic once before. The result was Carol Mosely Braun. I will not be using it again, as much it appeals to me.

BTW, I thought her "evil men" swipe was disgusting. She had real problems in her marriage. I thought using it as a joke was pathetic. But I tend to think of Hillary as soulless, tone-deaf, and generally gruesome.

Condoleeza in '08! Kidding.

I want Jennifer Granholm or Christie Todd Whitman to be the first female president. Either one.

L. said...

Jennifer Granholm has been pretty ineffective as Michigan's gov. She does play the political game dirty enough. Besides, unless we change the law, she's not eligible, as she was born a Canadian citizen.


Anonymous said...

dThere are so many commnets in this comment section that need disecting that I will just have to leave them all alone, except to say that "someone" out to look at the business environment and the economy in Michigan before touting the credentials of Jennifer Granholm. She's a very nice lady and is personally very appealing, but in my opinion she has been a lousy governor, and the thought of her as president is really frightening.

Unknown said...

Please, God, no. The identity politics of having a woman president does not cut it.

Regarding your "fact" about the world's democracies and their intelligence agencies' take on WMD, you might want to look into something(s) called the "Downing Street memo(s)."