
LEMME HEAR YA... I've been bitching about my COMMENT function for eons without doing anything about it. And a month or so ago I wondered how to get more readers, how to get more satisfaction and recompense from this weird blogging thing. Seems to me the two items are related. Seems like I oughta fix the COMMENTS feature so as to better engage those readers I do have, thereby generating greater stickiness and interest. Also seems like the recomponse I get right now comes from the feedback I get from readers (you!) more than anything, so how dumb is it to have the COMMENTS thing be all broken for so long.

And so I've fixed it, so that you can comment and I can comment back. Hope this works, you enjoy, etc. Love to hear from you, as always.

(Until I get all popular, when I'll have no way to keep up with all y'all, but then you'll just talk amongst yourselves then anyhoo.

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