
QUICK HITS: A few interesting things you should be aware of out there:

- Snoop Dogg is getting divorced. Hey, who knew he was married? Somehow I thought making porno movies in your background suggested you weren't yet promised to anyone. Go figure. (Very funny article, by the way. Hat tip to Just Procrastinating for the link.)

- Apparently Bill Cosby is a pretty decent guy. This I'm not surprised by.

- Two different guys gripe about Michael Moore. Apparently he's not such a decent guy. Also no big surprise. Here's the first guy...and the second.

- Is it just me, or do the summer megaconcerts sound like torture? Madonna, for the love of all that is holy, please hang up your pointy bra. Your act is not just tired, it's embarassing. Check out Michael Ventre's light and funny piece on the summer's biggest and dumbest tours.

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