
LIVE FROM SOFTWARE CENTRAL: Little to say today, save for the fact that, ironically, I'm on via dialup from Bellevue, WA, just a short jaunt away from the software capitol of the world: Redmond.

Some of my stress fell away yesterday, and some of it lingers. I've had the good sense to go running each of the last two mornings, and it's true there's no substitute for exercise when you need to clear a cloudy mind. Still, what's plaguing me is more central, the question of how to spend my fleeting life and time. I have the best job I've ever had, in many respects, and still I'm not very happy. The good news is I can see the solution...now it's just a matter of enacting it.

Sucks to have to have this blog be so veiled, eh? I've never been as good with the reckless public disclosure stuff as some of my blogging brethren. For better and for worse, I'm sure.

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