
ONE DAY: I post here at various times and in various contexts, but here's one thing I've noticed: I tend to post more often when I'm really busy. Odd, eh? I think this place is like an exhaust valve for me, and when the pressure builds up I run over here and let it fly.

Thing is I hardly ever really let it fly. It's more like I sort of let some stuff fall out of me, a little at a time. Maybe it's more like a spit valve on the trumpet of my life, this l'il blog.

I was thinking about freshman year of college this morning. I roomed with my best friend, and he and I used to just sit around awash in melancholy, smoking clove cigarettes and listening to the same few records over and over. One of our favorites was by an Aussie band called The Church. (They had a flash hit with "Under the Milky Way," so maybe you remember 'em.) Anyway, they have this song called "One Day," and there's a line in it that me and my pal used to sing along with extra loud every time. It goes, "We run so hard and always end up...in the same place." It's a bit of Sisyphus, right? And it seemed so appropriate to the wake/school/drink/sleep routine of early college. And then again this morning, as I pulled into the parking lot with my high-priced cofee, blood starting to boil in anticipation of the deadlines and stress, it came to me. Always ending up in this same place...and always with the escape fantasies...

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