
SIMON COWELL CAN KISS MY ASS! What's most intriguing -- what's *mesmerizing* -- about early-season AMERICAN IDOL is not the nascent talent. It's not the miserably untalented. It's the aggressive delusion with which many of these non-singers confront the judges. What is it about singing and dancing that makes so many of us think we can do it...when in reality most of us flat out suck? Singing and dancing are indeed democratic activities, available to all, born more of expression than expertise. But when you expect to win a talent competition on nothing but raw desire...emphasis on raw...well, you sure do make for great TV.

BTW, my headline is in jest. I think Simon is nothing if not a mercy killer.


Anonymous said...

I can't for the life of me figure out how Simon, Paula and Randy can sit through 10-12 hours a day of so much garbage, nor do I understand how so many of those people are willing to set themselves up for such ridicule, since they obviously know what they are getting themselves into when they head to the auditions.

L. said...

What's American Idol?

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha....

Paul said...

Over the years I've watched a handful of the first round episodes of American Idol. It's interesting how it's *evolved* over the however many seasons it's been on the air. I think William Hung forever changed Idol such that there are now people that while possessing no real talent are hoping for that 15 minutes of fame he received from the over the top audition.

I also like to wonder whether some established artists would make it past the first round. Obviously Simon and Co. are looking for that specific type of American Idol singer (big voice pop). It's basically become a genre unto itself. Here's my short list of folks I think would be cut, even though their talent has been proven with sucessful careers...I'd *love* it if the producers planted a view of these in the auditions. I think an audience, in the know, would love to hear Simon say something like "you will never make it with that voice, you have no talent."

Jeff Tweedy (Wilco)
Black Francis (Pixies)
Tom Waits
Thome Yorke (Radiohead) though he might make it past the first round.
Neil Young
Paul Westerberg
Bob Mould

Scott Hess said...

A fun idea, Paul. I think you've gotta add Lou Reed and Bob Dylan to your can-miss roster, as well as every hip-hop zillionnaire short of Usher, Nelly Furtado (can't really sing), Britney, Madonna, etc.