
BLAH BLAH BLOGGING: There's so much to post about today, so many thoughts and tangents. But I'm the full-time child-watcher/caregiver, on accounta our Monday/Wednesday babysitter is on vacation this week, and my wife is actually making a living. So there will be only placeholders, half-baked musing that may one day cook into full-blown posts.

Some of the things that crossed my blogging mind, things that have been running in the background thus far today, include: the stunning and disquieting sight of a clearly angry, dumpy white teenager driving around my neighborhood blasting Darryl Worley's patriotic sledgehammer, "Have You Forgotten" while hanging an American-Flag-on-a-Stick out his window -- and this juxtaposed against the more common site of young Hispanic kids doing the same thing with Mexican and Puerto Rican flags and either gangsta rap or Latin dance music blaring; contrasting my suburban day-at-the-pool upbringing with my admittedly young son's urban experiences; my weekend forays to varying neighborhood "splash pools," and my mini-ephipany about how I'm prejudiced against threatening folks and how that had abso-zero-lutely to do with race on this day; and some small rehashing of weekend conversations with two of my favorite people who happen to be liberal, not that there's anything wrong with that.

But for now I'm going to go back to creating all manner of amusing diversions for my son, as opposed to creating, well, diversions for my tiny but devoted readership, you, who I also love very much, but not in that way.

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