
BLUMP IT UP: I'm almost embarassed to admit I miss SNIGLETS. You know, those "there oughta be a word for that" inventions that, if memory serves, were orginated by a guy named Rich Hall back in the '80s? You remember.

Well, somewhere old Mr. Hall is probably sitting around clutching his copyright, so I'm gonna come up with a new name for a BLIND CAMEL version of SNIGLETS. (I probably just sealed his court case -- whaddya call it, infringement? -- against me with that description).

I agree with Sarah Hepola who, at one point, bemoaned the popularity of the term 'blog'. I don't like it either. It's ugly, and it sounds, like, trendy or something. I even prefer the clunky 'online diarist'. Anyhoo, this little blogging world gives rise to all manner of new moments that demand their own neologisms. For our purposes here, we'll call them...TOBAWs, which stands for THERE OUGHTA BE A WORD. Sure, it sucks, but don't tell me you loved the term 'sniglet' the first time you heard it.

Our first TOBAW is BLUMP -- which describes the action one takes when one dislikes their top-of-blog post so much they impulsively compose a new one in order to BLUMP the old one from the top of their blog. BLUMP. For example, "Did you check out BLIND CAMEL today? He totally needs to blump it."

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