
DOWNLOAD THIS: The headline is "Apple sells 2 million songs in 16 days." Well that's just great. But it's also sad. Because the entire infrastructure, from the file format to the price point (99 cents/song) was in place, oh, about six years ago. The only trouble was the music business, in the form of the labels and the RIAA, were acting like a concrete choker around the neck of innovation. Had they played ball sooner there might not have been such a massive demand vacuum, the likes of which fueled the rise of Napster and Kazaa and all the others. With no "legitimate" way for consumers to get what they wanted, they turned to the legally suspect alternatives. And now I'm used to getting stuff for free. I mean, uh, they are.

Please, folks, repeat after me: The music business is not about music or business. Discuss.

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