
TOO BUSY TO BLOG: I'm quite busy today. I'm writing a chapter on "privacy" for an upcoming business book, to be titled PRECISION MARKETING. Which is neither here nor there...

Or is it? Because I do have this burning and inexplicable need to contribute something, anything to this here blogspace for the ongoing edification and/or fleeting enjoyment of my paltry yet devoted readership. So...

Today I have only this small offering, an excerpt from what is perhaps my favorite book of all time, Alan Watts' THE WISDOM OF INSECURITY (which, come to think of it, does seem somehow related to the notion of privacy in this networked, interconnected world of ours):

"We seem to be like flies caught in honey. Because life is sweet we do not want to give it up, and yet the more we become involved in it, the more we are trapped, limited, and frustrated. We love it and hate it at the same time. We fall in love with people and possessions only to be tortured by anxiety for them. The conflict is not only between ourselves and the surrounding unverse; it is between ourselves and ourselves. For intractable nature is both around and within us. The exasperating 'life' which is at once lovable and perisahable, pleasant andd painful, a blessing and a curse, is also the life of our own bodies."

And another one:

"At times almost all of us envy the animals. They suffer and die, but they do not seem to make a 'problem' of it. Their lives seems to have so few complications. They eat when they are hungry and sleep when they are tired, and instinct rather than anxiety seems to govern their few preparations for the future. As far as we can judge, every animal is so busy with what he is doing at the moment that it never enters his head to ask whether life has a meaning or a future. For the animal, happiness consists in enjoying life in the immediate present -- not in the assurance that there is a whole future of joys ahead of him."

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