
THE CAMEL IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE CAMEL: I owe y'all an explanation. Say what? Wha' happen? What are we lookin' at?

Man, I was being driven crazy by the slow load times and the quirkiness of my comments feature. Sucked. Blah. Blech. And the trouble is I'm just NOT that technical, when it comes down to it. Don't have the patience. Maybe don't have the smarts, either.


I blew out my customized template, which was surely full of all kindsa bad code I'd inserted in there. And...when I glommed on to the new template I hadda crash and burn all the old comments. And you'd be right if you said, "Hey, that's where all the good stuff was!"

Well, shit. I feel terrible. But now the Camel loads right quick, is easier to read...

Sure, I'm gonna muck this template up, too, with my customizing. And I hope you'll keep commenting, and that this fix will make that easier for y'all to do so!

Let me know what you think. I'm damn sorry for blowing away all your great comments. I hope it's worth it.


Anonymous said...

Dang. Feeling like I had a hand in the un-commenting of the camel. May have to figure out if there's a way to suck the haloscan comments into.... something. Ah well.

Still with you. Maybe not every day, but with you.

Scott Hess said...

You were the catalyst, Kev. On accounta I tried to muck 'round with the old template a buncha times, and it still stayed slow. (And yep, she loaded quick in Firefox, but it seemed silly for me to beat the Firefox drum in an IE world. As y'all know, that's just not me anymore.)

Yeah, I'd like to get those old comments back.

But in the meantime I hope you'll be part of the Great Recommenting of the Camel.

You have to admit, it IS nice to have the thing load so fast. AND, she looks better.


Scott Hess said...

Hmmm...I'll do some Googling...

Scott Hess said...

Alright, a quick Googling reveals either that:

a) Many people say there's no way to do it, and/or...

b) If there is a way, it involves writing and manipulating code in a way that's beyond me. Shit, I can't even figure out how to customize the template in a cool way...