
SOMETIMES A BLOG IS JUST A BLOG: I'm convinced this new template is going to inspire more traffic (due to the shorter load times and easier reading experience). And, in classic chicken/egg form, perhaps that will inspire me to write more/better. Or not. There remains the classic unanswered question of what and who this blog is for. Whether or not my non-self will allow this non-blog to continue to have no-meaning and no-purpose, that's the big question, eh? Eh? Eh? Awww, whatever.


L. said...

What's with the jumping guy? He kind of freaks me out. Who is he and why is he on your blog?

Scott Hess said...

I don't have the stage fright much, actually. And I'm glad my blog is for you, Trish.

Laurel, the jumping guy is me at the high school talent show. I climbed on top of the stage speakers and jumnped off at the beginning our set. I think we were covering "Anarchy in the U.K. at the time.

L. said...

Ok. Knowing that, I guess it doesn't freak me out quite so much. It's pretty hilarious. It looks like you were about 20 feet in the air.

Scott Hess said...

I was way, way high in the air, and I really hurt my foot when I landed. Luckily I was 17 and quite drunk, so I made it through the show. I would pay a lot of money for video of that performance.

Scott Hess said...

BTW, and fwiw, I hope y'all love this new comment interface as much as I do. It freakin' rules, and it's so much more reliable than the old one.