
FUNNY? YES. SMART? NO. I love Letterman. I'm a fan. I'm more of a Letterman fan than an O'Reilly fan by a long stretch. But Letterman comes off so badly and O'Reilly comes off so well in this clip, that I have to wonder if my allegiance is in the wrong place.


Anonymous said...

It is...

Scott Hess said...

Okay. Thanks for clarifying!

Casey said...

O'Reilly is still an ass. He does come off better than Letterman in that clip. There is no allegiance to be had. Let Letterman make you laugh, and let O'Reilly do whatever it is he does for you.

Anonymous said...

I saw a majority of the interview, and was astounded at how foolish Letterman looked. He admitted that he never watches O'Reilly, and yet he continually made nasty remarks about what O'Reilly does on his show and what O'Reilly thinks. I really thought it was an embarassment for Letterman, he came off looking very juvenile and actually pretty dumb! Whatever you think of O'Reilly, he certainly came out on top of this interview.