
SCHWARZENEGGER! Oy vey. How can a blogger not weigh in on this?

My first thought: How long before Arnie blows his top? Because I seem to recall that Mr. Terminator does not suffer fools or aggressive questions from the media -- or God forbid, the two of them together -- gladly. I remember a press conference soon after the Ahnuld was named to that Presidential Physical Fitness office, whatever that largely ceremonial post was called. Everything was peaches and cream as Ahnuld pumped and preened and reeled off movie catch-phrases. Even the first few media softballs were no problem. It was a lovefest...and then it wasn't.

"Uh, Mr. Schwarzenegger, do you see any contradiction in a man who has admitted to years of steroid abuse being named a physical fitness leader for this country?"

Schwarzenegger's massive alp of a jaw locked in place and his double-beam Termigaze found his inquisitor. The rejoinder went something like:

"Dat is a stewpit quezchun from a loo-zah!"

The fesitivities were called to a halt shortly thereafter, but I remember thinking at the time, Geez, this guy better not run for office. Short fuse.

And yet here he is.

How do I feel about Schwarzenegger the candidate? Hard to say. As Sullivan points out, he's a pro-gay conservative, which is a rare and welcome combo. Perhaps this signals a man who is liberal on social issues and conservative on fiscal and defense matters.

The big question: Can this clearly ego-centric dude find it within himself to meander though the muck of California politics for four full years? Can he put balancing the budget ahead of pumping iron? Can he be as convincing a Govnuh as he was a Terminatuh?

I'm just thrilled we get to watch this for the next two months, at least. Poor California, lucky us.

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