
BUT I STILL HATE BOW TIES: And now the day has come -- again -- where I find myself in intellectual lockstep with George Will.


isaacjosephson said...

Yep. It's a little weird.

Also a little weird about this nomination is the quote that Mr. Focus on Family James Dobson gave the New York Times. He supports the nomination based on information he is "not at liberty to talk about." That means he has more information than the U.S. Senate.

Anonymous said...

George Will is a conservative of a more timeless definition, one of historical continuity, not contemporary fadishness. Bush was described as a campaign conservative by a talking head I saw on MSNBC, not a governing conservative. At this point, it seems clear he is a crony conservative above all else. As the Will article points out, he is capable of all the intellectual rigor and insight of a cabbage - one left in the field too long at that.

See what happens when Rove is away?

Scott Hess said...

So you think Rove came back from passing a kidney stone and was like, "You nominated who? Oh for cripesake, George..."