
TOUGH DADS: For those keeping score at home, this morning I completed a brisk set of 60 push-ups, followed by two additional sets of 20, for a grand total of 100. I subsequently showered.

Last night at the park a group of dads did a quick pull-up showdown on the playground equipment, alternating wide-grip and close-grip variations of same. We all basically tied at around six reps or so of each, which is not particularly impressive for any of us, although we all seemed relieved by the tie.

My favorite part of the contest was, I'm ashamed to admit, my own attempt at humor: After the group of us had knocked out a couple sets on the equipment, I said, "Where's Mr. NFL now?" It got a laugh.

After we finished, we noticed a nice little railing that would be perfect for a dips showdown. It's on tap for later in the week.


Scott Hess said...

Our park is not a huge cell phone park, I've noticed. I love our park, actually. The people there are very nice. We laugh a lot, at ourselves and each other.

Scott Hess said...

Not sure what you mean. I asked YOU for a story of hope on your blog, when you asked for writing suggestions; and, I told you I'd be happy to take a writing suggestion from you. Is that what you mean?

Scott Hess said...

Aha! Okay. I forgot. Jeff Ward. Will try to do this afternoon.

Scott Hess said...

Trisha, have not been able to work up the energy to write the Jeff Ward post. Short story: A friend of mine (and a very close friend of my brother Eric) named Jeff Ward and his wife Tracey are supersmart attorneys; both graduated from Michigan law and could have high-powered careers. But after the premature birth of their twins -- who are doing great now -- they both decided they wanted more time at home, with their kids. So they moved out East somewhere rustic/rural and both work half-time now, affording them a ton of time with their kids. They earn far less than they could have, given their pedigrees, but they seem very happy. Basically they're living and working on their own terms...