
NICE PROMOTION, SECRETARY TO SCOTUS: I have a feeling this Miers nomination will be interesting to watch. Early returns suggest a typical Bush blunder, misunderestimating the bad reactions from all corners. If Roberts was a home run, Miers seems at best a bunt single with a questionable "hit" call from the offical scorer on bobbled ball by the third baseman.


Dave S. said...

Kinda make you wonder if this guy maybe isn't firing on all 8 cylinders. Or maybe he knows what he's doing. Who knows.

Scott Hess said...

Indeed. Who knows. But I have to say this is the single most clearcut example I've seen of Bush being a total nincompoop in a long time. You can argue both side of the war. You can argue both sides of the hurricane relief efforts. Can you truly argue that this woman was the best qualified candidate?

Unknown said...

You can argue both side of the war. You can argue both sides of the hurricane relief efforts.

Isn't post-modernism under W. just grand?

Scott Hess said...

So JD is your contention that no sane/intelligent person could ever make a legitimate case that the war is just and that the local/state gov't were largely responsible for the debacle in New Orleans? Are you saying you and your intellectual contemporaries are the only ones in possession of Truth?

Unknown said...

Wow, that's some discourse you've got there, BC, trying to put words in my mouth like that. The W-flavored post-modernist myth is just thinking itself right through you. I find it fascinating.

Didn't you get the memo? W creates his own reality, over and over and over ...