
GOOD MORNING: I'm down in the basement with my boys, watching Baby Einstein videos and playing with every toy they own. To facilitate said playing, they've dumped out every bin and drawer and spread the toys all across the floor. I'm sitting on the pull-out couch with my laptop, working wirelessly.

C.J. burst into our room at 5:30AM, and Michael (who C.J. and the rest of the world calls "Licky") woke up soon after. What's most amazing to me is how they wake up: It's zero to sixty in in under a second! Their eyes open, and then they're in gear. Let's play! Meanwhile my wife and I roll around in the bed, marvel at the hour, and sluggishly begin pulling on the vestiges of our day.

Now Eileen's left for Starbucks and McD's. (Licky must have sausage every morning, and we don't have any in the house; Licky is a full-fledged carnivore, eating only animal flesh, while C.J. enjoys salads and steamed vegetables.),I'm on monitoring duty in the basement, the main goal of which is to make sure C.J. doesn't strangle, spindle, or otherwise mutilate Sir Licky. For example, C.J. just grabbed both of Licky's arms and began to wave them in time to the music. Violently, of course. Licky laughed until he decided to cry. Soave, I told him. Soavecito!

Now C.J.'s randomly throwing toys in an attempt to get my attention. It's working. I better post this and intervene...


Anonymous said...

So can I take Licky out to Steak and Shake one of these days for lunch?

isaacjosephson said...

Hah! A wonderful snapshot into your life, Scott.

Anonymous said...

I remember those days!

Scott Hess said...

Yes, Eric. You and Licky would make great dining partners. Eileen estimates he eats at least an entire chicken per week. It's pretty funny. If you put a ton of different chopped-up items on his tray, he picks through and finds all the meat and eats it first. He also finds green beans acceptable, oddly enough.

Meanwhile C.J. lives for avocado, lettuce, broccoli, corn, etc., and picks at most meat.

Scott Hess said...

Ike, I'll post a real snapshot in a second.

Casey said...

I can confirm these findings. We watched the kids last Sunday, and Licky's giant bowl of peas, carrots, and chicken morsels was skillfully picked through, as if he was searching for diamonds.

Thankfully he loves blueberries too, and proceeded to eat half the container.