
IT'S LICKY!Posted by Picasa

Every time C.J. bursts into Licky's room in the morning, he shouts out, "It's Licky," at the top of his lungs. Licky usually responds with a big smile and sometimes he even raises an arm triumphantly, ala "Steve Holt" on ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. Anyway, I snapped this Licky shot on my Treo 650, and I wanted to share it. The kid is a Billy Idol fan, what can I say?


Anonymous said...

He looks like he is trying to cover his ears and block out the noise from CJ's yelling. Very funny picture.

L. said...

Just noticed you no longer link to everybodyhatesme.com. Did you stop reading him?

Scott Hess said...

He retired everyonehatesme.com and now he writes at http://www.aprilmachine.com/blog/.

isaacjosephson said...

Great photo, Scott!

Asher is very overwhelmed by his older (4-year-old) cousin. He's not used to having bigger kids around. It's funny to see/hear how a baby reacts when there's a big brother in his life.