
GOOD RADIO IS NOT AN OXYMORON: Believe it or not, radio has been very good to me over the years. When I was a teenager in Ohio, I listened to the shocking funk on WDAO (rumored to stand for White Days Are Over) out of Dayton, Ohio. I heard George Clinton and Roger Troutman years before a certain Dr. Dre rediscovered them for a generation of hip-hop heads. Then I moved to Michigan and got to hear the brief glory days of WLBS, most notably programmed by a guy named Mike Halloran (who eventually became famous at LA's KROQ). I still have cassettes snagged off the radio broadcast, featuring bands like New Order, the Sex Pistols, and the Clash. Then in college it was WOXY (Oxford, Ohio), better known as 97X. That station validated my growing record collection, introduced me to new stuff, and provided a soundtrack for some of the best years of my life.

Anyway, this whole reminiscence was provoked by a charming little article in yesterday's Cincy Enquirer, profiling the still independent, still relevant 97X. Check out the article and, if it sounds interesting, swing by their website to launch a streamed broadcast.

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