
QUICK DUMP AFTER BILL MAHER'S SHOW: I just watched the latest installment of Bill Maher's HBO show. Can't remember the name and am too tired to look it up, but it's basically POLITICALLY INCORRECT with swearing. Anyway, some quick impressions:

- Michael Eric Dyson is an idiot. This guy is painful to listen to, and even more painful to watch, the way he screws his eyes shut and just talks without breathing. Ugh. He sucked the life out of the show. He is rapidly becoming one of my least favorite media personalities of all time.
- I don't care if I agree with Ann Coulter or not. She just seems very mean and cold. I wouldn't want to hang out with her.
- Dennis Miller is funny, but his lame attempts to insert bits of his most recent HBO special into the debate fell horribly flat. C'mon, Dennis, improvise, for gosh sakes.
- Bill Maher is a hateful little pug of a man. He makes me uncomfortable. He seems like he's forever tortured by indigestion, the way he grimaces and squirms.

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